Friday 24 June 2011

New Feature: Geolocation

We just added geolocation Editor new message on Blogger in Draft. With geotagging, you can add a location for each of your blog. As the time stamps to help readers find posts by a certain date or time, geotags give your readers a way to browse messages about a specific location.

Add Geotag your message is simple. Log, the editor to open the mail, then click the Add placements below the main text box.

Use the editor of the site for research, drag, click and zoom on a map to choose and save location. We will try to mark the spot where you choose to use our reverse geocoder that looks a name to a point on the map. You can also change the place name by clicking on the name of the location of the blue text in the search box.

When you publish your post, it is geo appear below your blog as a link that will open Google Maps.

We also present the text of each blog, RSS and Atom feeds GeoRSS, geotagging standards. This means that aggregators, search engines and mapping applications to connect to their places in their place.

We are still working on other ways to display location information on your blog. Brian, the Google engineer who created this function in its time 20%, has written a gadget that will show you your messages on a map. To add it to your blog, click on "Add your own" "Add a gadget" page and paste in this URL:

Geotagging some well-known flaws. We deal with them soon, but here are some suggestions for short-term solutions:

  • You are the editor is hidden in the text field, the Edit HTML tab. Please change the Compose tab, you can view and change positions.
  • A geotag can not be removed from a message once it has been saved. If you have to remove a Geotag, please copy the contents of your message in a new position and georeferenced to abolish the post.
  • 2:33 pm Update: If you have a custom template and do not see the "Location:" byline, you may need to reset the template widget on your blog. To do this, go to page> Edit HTML tab in your dashboard, then clicking Restore widget templates to values ​​below the main text field.
  • 2:33 pm Update: Some users have problems with the plan gadget blog. Brian is investigating.
What kind of messages that you add the position? What other features would you like to see this feature? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think

Thursday 23 June 2011

What is CTR, eCPM and CPC?

If it seems advertisements (ex-Google Adsense) on your website or blog, you may have noticed eCPM, CTR and CPC. Also you notice in your Blogger account and your Google Adsense account that CTR and eCPM are shown there as the record of your site. They are described bellow:

Here the terms explaintion.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

All About Adsense Link Units

If you are an AdSense user, chances are you use link units - most people use Adsense link units today. Also, chances are you're not as much money as you want to be made out of them. Link units are a completely different ball game from that of ad units - the way they work is different, as where to put, if you want more clicks, you can get, and therefore the highest income you can possibly get. They are not as easy to play, in my opinion, as units announcement. Your CPC is generally lower, then your overall CTR.

Link units look promising:
In fact, most units look like a link to a kind of menu. Some websites that are fully integrated to blend with the rest of the menus - so that users click on a link unit as easy as clicking on any menu item.
It was found that the use of a set of links closer to the beginning of the page makes it look like the menu bar so that will significantly improve the rate of clicks, even if you put a link to the same unit closer to the center the page, it is perhaps not without influence and attract clicks at all.

Liaison units are neat and compact:
Link units are probably the easiest to integrate the aspect of your AdSense ads on your site. There are a number of sizes of these units, so make up your mind and try.

Link units offer:
In essence, the link units are the key words - more relevant to the current content, according to Google. And clicking on any of these words will bring more relevant search results to click. Visitors see the keywords and immediately get an idea of ​​what kind of links you get when you click on the link units.

Link units are overloaded with descriptions URL:
This is probably one of the most important things to understand about AdSense link units. I think not tried the connection points at first because of this. I do not understand why visitors would click on some keywords that have a clue, but no precise information on what results you get. But then I noticed that this also works the other attraction - people click on the link units just because they do not know how good or bad results, you will receive. On the contrary, when they see the full text of the ad, read the description of the link, and you can immediately decide not to follow the link, he will not visit a particular site. But the link unit, they must click to get a list of URLs to their descriptions

Link units are a different:
When users click on the link units, they get a page with relevant ads in a kind of Google search results. This list of URL's not like an ad at all - it is a form of a list of potentially useful resources that your visitors will find useful. I think there is something psychological behind this performance announcements, as users seem more willing to click on these advertisements in relation to how the standard run AdSense ads.

It 's all today. Congratulations AdSense experiments

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites

In this article I mentioned about 20 + sites / blogs that share Google AdSense revenue. I also mentioned PageRank. The list also includes social networking sites, blogs, forums and more. We hope this list useful. Bookmark and Tweet it!
Revenue Sharing Sites are given bellow:
  • Simpy: Simpy is a social bookmarking service. With MySpace, you can store, tag and search your bookmarks and notes or browse and search other users 'links' and tags. [PageRank - 7]
  • Squidoo: popular (free) to create a web site with your interests and recommendations. Even earn money for charity or for themselves. [PageRank - 7]
  • HubPages: HubPages is your online space to share your advice, reviews, tips, opinions and ideas with hundreds of other authors. HubPages is completely free. [PageRank - 6]
  • Google Earth Hacks: Google Earth Hacks links to interesting content found or created by users like you and gives you quick access to Google Earth to check things out. [PageRank - 6]
  • Trend Hunter: The maximum Community Trends, Trend Spotting, Cool Hunting, and Innovation. Fashion trends, style, gadgets, technology, pop culture, art, etc. [PageRank - 6]
  • Kernel Trap: is an online community dedicated to sharing the latest development kernel. 80% of revenues generated from these ads will be credited to your account. [PageRank - 6]
  • Bip The Geek: BeepTheGeek is a tech blog, begun in March 2008 to write tutorials on Windows, blogging, Google Adsense and Photoshop. [PageRank - 5]
  • Flixya: Flixya is a social network that puts 100% ad revenue in your pocket. We built the tools that you can share your videos, photos and blogs. [PageRank - 5]
  • Xomba: it combines the key elements of social networking sites, blogs and contextual advertising purpose, we created a community that is a stimulating environment for anyone who wants to publish and share their own ideas. [PageRank - 5]
  • Free Range Stock: Photographers submitting photos to Free Range Stock will now be able to participate in the revenue-sharing system. This is realized through the Google AdSense, and allows you to retain 80%. [PageRank - 5]
  • Shout Me Loud: Shoutmeloud focuses primarily on blogs, earn money online, WordPress, Web 2.0, Internet tools. Their motto is to share, and they think to connect with readers, and they respect each point of view. [PageRank - 5]
  • Devils Workshop (DW): Workshop Technology of the Devil blog began in June 2006, Rahul Bansal, with particular attention to posts that cover the latest trends, news and analysis of the areas of Internet, technology, social networking, computers and mobile phones. [PageRank - 4]
  • Trick Daddy: TricksDaddy is a technology blog which began in August 2008. It focuses on the messages that covers blogs, internet tips and tricks for customizing Windows, the latest trends, mobile social networks. [PageRank - 4]
  • Blog Engage: Blog Engage is an interactive social network, and allows you to submit your blog (s) to be considered by all and will be helped by me or by our visitors on the main page. [PageRank - 4]
  • India Study Channel: India Study Channel is an educational portal providing reliable and comprehensive information on education, research, education, exam results, entrance examinations, previous years university question papers etc. [ PageRank - 4]
  • Soul Cast: Due to Soul Cast, you can blog anonymously, without limitation, writing about everything from personal blogs to blogs about sex, and to protect your privacy. [PageRank - 4]
  • InfoBarrel: the sales of current social media community. They are creating a meeting place for writers, media producers and content developers to publish their material and create an additional source of income. [PageRank - 4]
  • You Say Too: YouSayToo is a community of sharing advertising revenue for bloggers. In YouSayToo users can start their own blogs, download games, photos, and make revenue through Google AdSense. [PageRank - 4]
  • She told me: She told me, is a Digg-like program with a 100% AdSense revenue sharing. This is how to promote a website or blog, while earning money at the same time. [PageRank - 3]
  • Bloggeries Forum: Bloggeries Blog is a place for bloggers to discuss blogging. The sale also includes blogs, free WordPress themes and blogging jobs. [PageRank - 3]
  • That’s Pretty Dumb: That’s Pretty Dumb is kind of a site that highlights the dumbest business things for us. [PageRank - 3]
  • CallingAllGeeks: Calling All Geeks, is a niche blog for iPhone, gadgets and lover Twitter. Here you get all the latest information on the iPhone application, Apple news, tools, Twitter, Twitter, news, latest gadgets and software revision. [PageRank - 3]
  • Party Blogger: Blogger Party is a blog hosting site around their community, where all blogs are posted on the homepage. [PageRank - 3]
  • Gurusonline: GurusOnline provides various tutorials, tips / tricks that will be useful for you to earn money online. Go through the articles, often to learn the steps, you can even try to make money in your spare time [PageRank - 2].
  • Chaaps: is a techno blog. Beyond technology, social media updates Updates on television commercials and criticism on the ads on TV. like creative advertisements on television. [PageRank -2]
  • Indya Rocks: Due to Indya rocks you can upload you pictures and blogs also can attach video for generate you revenue from Adsense with the help of Indya Rocks: [PageRank -5]
  • Docstoc: In you can earn revenue form your documents, just upload you documents and generate revenue. [PageRank -6]
  • Triond: Triond is one of the prime locations to pay for written views and share revenues from Google AdSense. Triond 50% share of revenue from ads placed on one of the articles with authors. The articles are placed in appropriate networking sites to get more views of articles written. [PageRank -5]
  • Bukisa: Bukisa is another site wrote that Google AdSense revenue share. He was previously paying writers based on the index Bukis. They no longer use the index Bukis. If you do not Google Adsense ID, you can apply for one of Bukis. Bukis now share 60% of revenues from Google AdSense ads. You can also earn through Chitika ads in Bukis. [PageRank -5]
  • Suite101: Suite101 process is a process rather 'long, and I am very picky about writers too. Suite101 share Google AdSense revenue, but the exact amount of sales Suite101 shares with its authors are not known. [PageRank -7]
And many more sites are there is WWW ( World Wide Web)

Monday 20 June 2011

How To Get AdSense Approval from website / blog

To have a Google AdSense account approved by the dream of every blogger or webmaster. Since AdSense is a key role in earning the website. This article will tell you how I got my Google AdSense account approved within 2 weeks. There are a lot of tips and tricks on the Internet that says how to get Adsense accepted on 1 day and up to 1 hour! But it is never possible. You can at least take a week to get approved for AdSense. More importantly, I know that some of my friends that AdSense has been denied and they went to the vendor who sells an AdSense account approved. AdSense absolutely prohibits the sale of accounts. So if AdSense was denied, not just stop there to buy accounts. Try again after the introduction of these little tips:
1) Create a blog:
This is the most common. Create your own blog. You can get a free blogspot / blog, or go self-hosted WordPress blog, if you are serious about blogging. My recommendation is to start is

2) Set a domain name:
Now, if you're using, not only to keep blogspot subdomain. Create a good domain name. You can get a free domain CO.CC / Tk or go .Com domain for a minimum of $ 10 per year. I used this. Com domain when sending AdSense for approval.

3) Design:
If you are using a blog and do not stick to the default design. To move to a model professional blogger. For an extensive collection of

4) Subject:
Put an item in your mind when you are writing updates. An examiner should know what this blog is about.

5) Quality posts:
Before submitting the application for the AdSense program, make sure you have some good blog posts on the blog. You must be at least 10 good blog posts on his blog. You can get lots of articles from free article directories on the Internet regarding the topic. Do not just copy and paste the original. Make some changes, make it attractive and publish to your blog.

6) Configuration FeedBurner:
You must have a FeedBurner account to your blog. It is very easy to create a FeedBurner free. Place a widget on your blog that FeedBurner redirects your blog feed.

7) The AdSense:
You can sign up for AdSense through your Gmail account here, and also from Yahoo, and hotmail and rocketmail etc. Now when you sign up for an AdSense account does not give false information. Send real details, the recipient's name, address, etc.

8) Refresh Rate:
After the request for AdSense, do not stop to date. Keep up to date at least one article a day. It is not difficult. If you do not have time, you can write lots of articles and the calendar for the future. Example: If you are free on weekends, 3 hours of time, pick up some items 7 and the time each for each day. So you have already completed the work week!

That's it! Now you can take up to a month to get it approved. Wait for email Congratulations AdSense!


The second most important thing. Once you get approved for Adsense, do not click on their ads never, never treat any exchange, or click on the AdSense click Deployment Services. That will take you to the AdSense prohibited. And 'better safe than sorry. The best and just to make money with AdSense is real traffic to your website.

Sunday 19 June 2011

AdSense For RSS Feed

With the growth of blogs and RSS feeds, you start to see adsense included in the feeds now. IMHO it does not work, and here's why:
  • You only get to place an ad unit.
  • You have no control over finding the "sweet spot" for the announcement of the unit.
  • The ads are usually poorly targeted (better).
  • "Banner Blindness" People develop.
I know that people like to read the full publications in your feed reader, and there are at least a dozen other reasons for full posts to please the users of mobile computing, all of which are completely valid. However, if your website depends on generating Google AdSense revenue to survive, and then put them on the site and show ads there.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Why Google (AdSense) Is So Incredibly Rich?

In the zeal of greater transparency in Google AdSense, AdSense was sharing revenue from its two main products of AdSense:
  • AdSense for Content
  • AdSense for search.
Failure: Google takes 32% of the high turnover announces AdSense for publishers (AdSense is put in place), 49% of the research partners. In other words, over one third of the money that feeds the advertising systems Google ads that are everywhere, ending up with Google. Google is not saying that what the court announced in mobile applications, fonts and games, but I guess it's in the same order.

In any case, as we see Google increasingly as the company of fairies Android and Chrome, telephones and future developments Airy's easy to forget the power of Google Gadget in the world is money and money comes from advertising. It's easy to talk about Google, Apple and Microsoft in the same and the same words, and rightly so, that compete more directly every day, and the conflict is really a clash of giants. Basically, however, the young giant is a completely different species.

Microsoft Filing A Complaint Against Google, The EU Is A Research

Microsoft Corp (MSFT) filed a formal complaint with European antitrust regulators if dominance of Google Inc. (GOOG) 's market research on the Internet in the region.

Google bars competitors access to its video site YouTube for the results of research and kept the phones running the Microsoft operating system to function properly with YouTube, Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft said in a blog General Counsel Brad Smith.

Unit of Microsoft and the other two competitors last year, complained to the European Union, which examines whether Google violated antitrust laws in the region. Google is under increasing pressure of global regulatory bodies, which are investigating whether the company has used its dominance to stifle competition in Web Search.

"Today, our production will focus on a model that Google has taken actions to consolidate its dominant position in the market for online search and advertising research to the detriment of European consumers," Smith wrote in message blog.

While Microsoft and Yahoo have teamed up about a quarter of the U.S. search market and the rest, Google has nearly 95 percent market share in Europe, Smith said, citing data from the regulations.

Google "not surprised" that Microsoft has complained that his unit because of advertising, Bing Ciao, filed a complaint last year, said Al Verney, Google spokesman in Brussels.
And Remaining article you can fine of

Friday 17 June 2011

Google House Ads

I saw the Google ad campaigns from her home in three circumstances:

1) Sometimes, using Google AdWords ads to explain problematic organic search results. Two striking examples are the search results for "Jew" who regularly posts anti-Semitic organization as a first organic results, and "Michelle Obama" that last year showed an offensive image as a good organic results. In these situations, running a Google ad linking to an explanation of its search algorithms.

2) Google to advertise their services, increase their visibility. In preparing this post, earlier this year, I approached Google about the use of house ads, and Google spokesman said Google is "search marketing campaigns in Google Search for products such as iGoogle, Google Maps, and mobile telephony, as well as specific questions to obtain information about our users. " Barry Schwartz, recently gave an example, the advertising image of the house promotional ads. This last point may also be a defensive purchase keyword, such as when you will be shown ads for search terms highlighted some of Super Bowl commercial Google.

In some cases, home listings are Google's announcement places no other advertisers, such as the promotion of the Nexus One of its home page. Barry Schwartz is listed as examples of Google ads on the home page. This topic focuses on building your AdWords ads, but I will return to these positions a little non-traditional 'advertising.

3) As a form of public service announcement, is the Google AdWords advertising home in times of crisis to promote a page response to the crisis, more recently, in response to the BP oil spill.
And Remaining Article you can find from about Google AdSence House Ads

Thursday 16 June 2011

20 Google AdSense Outstanding Secrets

Money Trands
We find great Google Adsense Secrets, Which we want to share with our user.
  1. 3 steps to transform your business with AdSense an assembly line of fast action cranks profitable websites one after another on autopilot
  2. The stupidly simple "old school" tactic that gave a boost my CTR of 11%. CAUTION: This is a very aggressive technique that more conservative AdSense publishers do not want to implement.
  3. Why waste money every time someone clicks on your AdSense ad
  4. The real secret to gain advantage in the SEO game (and no, there is a link).
  5. AdSense "enhancement" that you should avoid like the plague. (Chances are you using this feature, and you do not even know.)
  6. How to make money with "navigation links."
  7. How the money market niches, even if you suck "niche detective work." that is, finding niches that will make a profit.
  8. The first (and better) who will advise me that does not make enough money with AdSense (because they are usually guilty of number 1 most common AdSense mistake. Are you?)
  9. Updated tactics to attract clicks and profits like crazy right this second. (Forget the so-called "Hot Trends" that worked, but have lost their effectiveness.)
  10. How to get huge keyword lists generated for you dirt cheap (just like I do, I pay $ 8 per thousand words!)
  11. Keyword little known tactics that will bring you more traffic than your buddies are.
  12. A research genius who is too precious to not even mention, but I can (emphasis on the large can) be able to enter
  13. My very aggressive content technique that allows me to regularly hit Click-through rates up to 70% to 80%!
  14. 2 tricks to get listed in search engines without "disturbing" your AdSense pages with distracting content.
  15. The truth about "cloaking" and Google. (If you have been cheated in the past, you've been losing tons of profit).
  16. Making popular software programs like Directory Generator, Traffic Equalizer, and create pages that generate clicks Metaweb pushing AdSense. Only a small but clever set you need to do.
  17. 6 words that ethically persuade visitors to click on your AdSense ads (without immediately, which is against Google's policy).
  18. A popular HTML tag ( Meta Tags) (you probably use all the time) that will "highlight" your Google AdSense ads and make your click rates soar
  19. Titles intelligent virtually force visitors to click without saying so (very profitable, very aggressive).
  20. Robot tag for follow the content to user related topic.
And many More Secrets......